Kinga Przepiórka

Vittorio Bonapace is not only an award-winning Digital Artist but also a Scenographer and Art Director. The creator of exceptional digital art, he grew up in Italy and is currently based in London. He studied Stage and Production Design at the Rome Academy of Fine Arts and worked as a Scenic Artist and Painter at the “Opera di Roma” Lyric Theatre in Rome for numerous years alongside Maurizio Varamo. Vittorio Bonapace chose the career path of art, because as he quotes “My art is my life”. He emphasis on art as an instrument of communication, which allows him to convey his message to the outside world. He is always looking for new ways to be inspired and obtain new perspectives for his work, which he then shares with others.

The artist is interested mainly in contemporary cultural and social themes related to technology, art, society, science, and space exploration. He takes inspiration from the unusual coexistence of humanity with the artificial and the relationship between humans and the planet. That is the reason why his purpose in creating new artworks is to show common and shared experiences with which viewers can easily identify. In his work, Bonapace accomplishes an extraordinary combination of 3D and Digital Painting with Computer Graphics. These compositions, rich in details, have symbolic content and convey metaphorical meanings of reference. Each piece of his art tells a unique story, which is enriched with magnificent effects. Vittorio, through art, wants not only to testify to the fact that he exists but also to change and, in some way, correct the reality that surrounds him. In his artwork, he presents current issues, that society has faced and will face in the coming years. Behind each piece of his art is a strong message which pushes people to start contemplating the current situations, that are taking place.